Book series now available.


Labyrinths as a Metaphor

Labyrinths as a Metaphor

A labyrinth is not a maze or a puzzle to be solved but a path of meaning to be experienced. Its path is circular and convoluted, but it has no dead ends.

Dr Alex Pattakos

Hope and education

Hope and education

This is a historical piece that I wrote in 2014 when my youngest child was in Primary School.  I had a parent/teacher interview with a primary school teacher who talked about my child as deficit.  She insinuated that he wasn't intelligent and that he wouldn't do well in school.

He has just been accepted into Melbourne University.

I maintain my discomfort at the injustice of education as a conveyor belt and I urge all teachers to ask themselves, What is education for?

Birthday Displays. Why?

Birthday Displays.  Why?

Birthday Displays?? Why?

Challenging dominant taken for-granted practices.

Problematising Calendar Curriculum

Problematising Calendar Curriculum
Curriculum decision-making contributes to each child’s learning and development outcomes in relation to their identity, connection with community,...

Shifting frames of mind on observations and documentation

Shifting frames of mind on observations and documentation
Observations and Documentation in Early Childhood

Shifting frames of mind on educational leadership

Have you had difficulty securing a highly qualified and experienced educational leader at your service? Or do you need your educational leader to be professionally supported in their role with capacity building opportunities?

Shifting Frames of Mind on OHS/WHS in Early Childhood Services. Assessing the risks

Shifting Frames of Mind on OHS/WHS in Early Childhood Services. Assessing the risks

Under the OHS/WHS Law and Regulations in Australia, Early Childhood services should take a systematic approach to identifying hazards and assessing risks at their services as part of their daily practice. This approach ensures the highest level of protection is in place for people at work and has never been more pertinent. 


Shifting Frames of Mind on OHS/WHS in Early Childhood Services - Setting the scene.

Shifting Frames of Mind on OHS/WHS in Early Childhood Services - Setting the scene.

This blog sets the scene for other upcoming posts on OHS/WHS issues in education and care services during a pandemic.

Shifting frames of mind on 'linking'

Shifting frames of mind on 'linking'

When did the word 'linking' become part of the pedagogical conversations in early childhood?  Is this a dominant discourse to contest? Read our article and critically reflect on practice.

Shifting frames of mind on indoor/outdoor programs

Shifting frames of mind on indoor/outdoor programs
This article asks the reader to critically reflect on practices that are understood to be agentic.

Shifting frames of mind on lunchtimes

Shifting frames of mind on lunchtimes
Let’s make 2020 a year to challenge and diffuse the dominant discourse on mealtimes.  Read this blog to find out more.

What is a jotting?

What is a jotting?
The word jotting or jottings have wormed their way into the everyday language of early childhood educators.  But is it professional?