Becoming: A set of two new textbooks available

Problematising Calendar Curriculum

Curriculum decision-making contributes to each child’s learning and development outcomes in relation to their identity, connection with community, wellbeing, confidence as learners and effectiveness as communicators. The curriculum is derived by paying attention to and taking observations of children’s knowledge, ideas, culture, abilities, and interests.

 It is not derived from developing a calendar curriculum. 

I am disappointed to be coining this phrase. Still, I am coming across it more and more in my travels, and I want to alert educators that designing a curriculum each month from significant days and events is a new form of adult-centred practice that can be likened to a thematic curriculum.

 A quick search of the internet highlights the commercialism associated with these calendar products available for purchase. They are advertised as another time-saving practice that will save hours.

But are these events relevant for children and their learning?

• Houseplant appreciation day
• Rubber duckie day
• World Nutella day
• Hug your cat day


Calendars of events should be designed by services to support children’s learning in First Nation’s history, culture, or other significant questions or events in their lives.

They should not be designed as a series of 15 events to be rolled out monthly as a curriculum. This kind of practice destabilises professionality and promotes a poor image of the cute child with a cute curriculum. 

Educators should strive to design a curriculum which honours the curiosity and creativity of the competent and capable child.

Kerrie O’Neill, 2023