Becoming: A set of two new textbooks available

Shifting frames of mind on educational leadership

The mandated role of the Educational Leader at an education and care service is stipulated in Regulation 118 of the  National Education and Care Regulations. This regulation states that the 'approved provider must designate, in writing, a suitably qualified and experienced educator, coordinator or other individuals as the educational leader at the service to lead the development and implementation of educational programs in the service'.

The role of the Educational Leader is primarily to build relationships and collaborate with educators to ensure that they understand and effectively implement the cycle of planning to enhance programs and practices.  The Educational Leader should be a catalyst to ensure that educational programs are effective in developing children's learning by building the knowledge, skills and professionalism of educators.  They also play a critical role in engaging and communicating with families about the significance of the early years.

Many services have reported that they have had difficulty in securing educators who have the skills and experience to undertake this role.  In addition to a shortage of qualified and experienced leaders is the impact of the pandemic with limited budgets and hours to 'release teachers and educators' from face to face roster requirements and interactions with children.

Early Childhood Hub is responding to these conversations and concerns by offering new Educational Leadership services.  From August 1, 2020, we will offer early childhood services either a six month or year-long Educational Leadership Service Package. You can choose a regular and ongoing visit from a highly qualified and experienced Early Childhood Consultant who can be designated to undertake the role of the Educational Leader. 

If you think your staff needs an experienced and competent professional who can:

  • Support understanding the theories relating to early childhood, approved learning frameworks, ethical standards and contemporary best practice approaches to teaching and learning,
  • A mentor who is willing to coach and support educators with varying levels of knowledge and experience,
  • offer a wide variety of professional learning programs
  • challenge educators to think critically and analyse dominant or conventional practice and ideas
  • build capacity
  • empower educators. ……..then this program is for you.

If you think your educational leader needs support to:

  •  build their knowledge, skills, and competencies ……..then this program is for you.

 The benefits of strong educational leadership are:

  • a child's right to be cared for and educated by a competent educator is recognised
  • enhanced wellbeing of educators who feel supported and have a strong sense of purpose and direction
  • enhanced wellbeing of educators who recognised for their strengths, who are confident to ask questions and ask for help without being 'criticised'. Professionalism is enhanced.
  • retention of staff who begin to feel professionally nourished and wish to develop career paths
  • engagement with families, with the potential to build occupancy and positive 'word of mouth' marketing of your service.

Don't waste any time.  Indications are that this program will be popular and will book out quickly.  Call Kerrie O'Neill on 0419 524 989 today to discuss and secure this opportunity.

“Studies show that leadership can positively impact on the quality of the centre as a workplace, the quality of the education provided and the developmental outcomes achieved by children over time” (Waniganayake et al., 2017).