ECH Diploma
The Early Childhood Hub Diploma
The Early Childhood Hub Diploma has been written by Kerrie O'Neill. It is written to the requirements of the Australian Skills Quality Authority CHC50113, Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care Qualification.
The course content draws on the pedagogical project of Reggio Emilia as a catalyst for thinking about quality early childhood education and care in Australia.
Testimonials for the Early Childhood Hub Diploma
Kerrie is a knowledgeable, friendly and proactive teacher. As a result of the program, we are feeling better about ourselves and our abilities as educators.
Kerrie is very knowledgeable and she relates everything to the EYLF. I now understand it.
I love the books that Kerrie has written to accompany the course. They are interesting and help me to improve my skills and knowledge.
What do you do differently as a result of your Diploma training?
I have deeper knowledge about educational opportunities and ideas for maximising learning and development. My planning and observational skills are much better.
I am able to mentor the new students coming through. My knowledge now enables me to participate in all aspects of the team. I contribute to summative assessments and now I fully understand the purpose of the Quality Improvement Plan.
I can apply the knowledge that I have learnt to work with more confidence.
I now understand the importance of positive relationships with children, families and educators. I now understand the difference between intentional teaching and spontaneous teaching to further children’s learning.
I now understand how to plan and implement intentional teaching. I have also learnt how to critically reflect on professional learning and how to document the learning of children.
What are the strengths of the program?
The program provokes questions and discussions leading to a new understanding. We were encouraged to contribute without judgement. I feel like we can talk about anything.
I learn best through face-to-face teaching. Kerrie is very knowledgeable and keeps me interested. She has the ability to make things stick in my head. Learning was fun. I know understand everything so much better. She has made everything come together.
Kerrie is lovely and has lots of knowledge and experience. The face to face learning once a month is also one of the strengths.
With English as a second language, the face to face classes provides me with lots of opportunities to ask questions.
'This is the best program'.
If you are an RTO and would like to inquire about buying a licence for the Early Childhood Hub training materials, please call Kerrie on 0419524989.